Sorry if this isn't allowed in the sub, anyway really, I've been slinking on this sub for a bit, and started working for rev genuinely two or three days earlier. After a few occupations I thought "it isn't excessively awful, the assessing is a bit horse poo a portion of the time yet the pay isn't as terrible as people on this sub say". Besides, I passed the 'new child on the square' organize and transformed into a 'revver' today, yet really around 30 minutes earlier resulting to finishing a 25 minute understanding stacked with long consistent terms and poop, I had made £7 following two hours, or, at the end of the day I put that down to me being new at interpretation and not being as fast as I should be, so it didn't inconvenience me. By then ten minutes sometime later in the wake of starting another errand, I get darted out of my record, unfit to sign in, in light of the way that some grader picked my work was a 3/5 accuracy since I misheard two or three words in a 25 MINUTE CLIP.
Besides, no, I wasn't downsized back to an amateur like what ought to happen if your assessments go down, my record was PERMANENTLY FUCKING BANNED. It's not just me either, it's happened to people that are substantially more experienced than me, and that had clearly preferred subtle elements over me, since one grader was a butt opening. Screw REV.com, and on the off chance that you're considering going to work there, essentially save yourself some bother and go to one of the elective interpretation areas that don't treat their transcriptionists like extra slaves, and don't foresee that people will have the ability to hear what some self-assertive screwing Indian individual whispered 40 screwing meters from the beneficiary.